Who Are We Now?
Firstly, we are men that love to sing! In learning together and performing together, we master our challenges; supporting each other to grow in ability and confidence.
We are a registered charity (number 1086232) and we ‘practice, promote and study music in order to foster public knowledge and appreciation of music by means of public performance’. These are our charitable aims.
We are inclusive, and we celebrate the fact that all men are equal. If you love to sing, you’re in!
Currently spanning ages 26 to 91, we sing in unison and in four-part harmony, being Top Tenor, Second Tenor, Baritone and Bass. If you don’t know where your vocal strengths lie, you will discover this over a number of rehearsals.
We use the ‘buddy system’ for new members, pairing you up with a man that will support your learning. Choir members volunteer to record vocal rehearsal tracks that will be made available to you, for self-study when out walking or mowing the lawn perhaps.
Lastly and importantly, we are a social bunch of like-minded men. If you ever played competitive team sports, you will find the same levels of camaraderie and banter within this choir. If you can’t play team sports now, come and sing instead; it’s great for physical and mental health!

Where It All Began In 1949
The choir, which began in Bishop’s Cleeve at S. Smiths and Sons Ltd in 1949, is now based in Cheltenham, with rehearsals at Dean Close School, but is has never lost it’s links with Smiths – now GE Aviation – and Tewkesbury.
Back in 1949 a Welshman called Dave Williams got his colleagues together at Smiths and Sons to do some singing. In those days they were rehearsing in the works canteen, but they quickly became a renowned choir throughout Gloucestershire.
It was not until 1977 that the choir changed it’s name from Smiths Male Voice Choir to The Cotswold Male Voice Choir because they had attracted members from all over Gloucestershire and even further afield. Even so there were always members of the choir who worked in Smiths and today there are still several employess of GE Aviation singing in the choir.